Auckland Heritage Festival 2024
Mt Albert War Memorial Hall
2:30pm Sunday 29 September
Early Auckland dance music: When orchestras ruled
This year's Heritage Festival Concert delves into the era of early Auckland when dozens of orchestras kept feet tapping, skirts twirling, and the good times rolling.
Dances were held in every community hall, church hall and dance hall, and even at roller skating rinks. They brought communities together, energising Auckland's entertainment life during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Relive toe-tapping numbers from ragtime, Dixie and two-step to fox-trot, waltz and tango. Plus slow numbers to regain your breath (and for those memorable romantic moments).
In addition to music from 'greats' such as Joplin and Gershwin, the programme includes long forgotten gems from our heritage music collection by some of the multitude of composers who wrote tunes as fast as they could to satisfy the popular obsession for dancing.
Admission is free.
Julius Fukic
Scott Joplin
Walter Rolfe
Mort Weinstein
George Gershwin
Evan Marsden
Amy Woodforde-Finden
ML Lake
Irving Berlin
Triumphal March of the Gladiators ("Thunder & Blazes")
The Entertainer
Yo Te Amo: Tango Argentino
Foolishness Rag
Prelude 2
Waltz and Fox-trot
Kashmiri Song
The Evolution of Dixie
Morning Exercises
Premiere of 'Pohutukawa', a new
work by David Hamilton written
for Leys Orchestra.
Auckland Heritage Festival 2020.